Wednesday, November 22

The Muppet Show-The Swedish Chef

The Smorgass Board of health will get him one of these days!

Sunday, November 19

Biking weekend with John

John and I getting ready for a weekend mountainbiking. It was nice weather, cold but dry and we had a beautifull ride through the heather, the pine woods and moors from Ruinen to Norg. When we arrived in Norg the Hotel was totaly booked with skaters for the Dutch Championship. Then we had to ride another 10 Kilometers through darkness and cold rain to the next hotel.
I wrote the poem cold harvest moon after this weekend, inspired by the moon that greeted us just before arrival.

Friday, November 17

Harpoon Man

He is so gay, I heard he has breastfed on his daddys nipples.

Tuesday, November 14

The new webcam

The new webcam makes better pictures and video. On the other blog I posted a video, on this still you see my new grown beard.

Saturday, November 11

Leon Redbone

One of my favourite singers, I thought I owned the only copy of his album, until last week, when I entered a restaurant with a very good friend. There they played songs of Leon Redbone. It became a very special evening with good music, a very good meal and sparkling wine and conversations.