Tuesday, May 3

Use what you have

My father was a shoemaker and he learned me to use the tools and the materials you have to fix something. In every odd-job we did he used a little piece of leather. Not intentionaly, but just because it was always at hand. Now I am a publisher, I make newspapers, so why use wooden blocks when there are plenty packs of unused newspapers to stuff under the car? I want to overhaul the engine of my van because the distributionbelt broke and some valves are bend. The engine comes out downunder the car, so the car has to go up. With lots of packs of newspapers and a hydraulic jack the engine came out.

1 comment:

Jaap said...

Geef je ouders, je vader, maar weer de schuld, van deze gruwelijke overtreding van de arbeidsomstandigheden voorschriften.
Ga je onder die auto liggen? En vertrouw je dan gewoon op je goede gesternte?