Sunday, February 13

As the world turns around

There is this feeling of, I dont know what it is, while eating the cake your daughter just backed, or while searching for a poem to put on someone elses blog, or while searching for a blog where you can bring some tension by putting a poem in a comment, or while petting your dog while scribbling in your own blog. You know what I mean.
And then, in the ever going on search for the meaning of life, there is a flash, a spark of light, and you think you have seen the light, and yes, the same daughter that backed the cake that started your mood, took a photo with your digital camera and the flash in your eyes is all there is left.
But then it smashes in your head, of course, SHE is the meaning of my life, and He, and SHE, and HE and all the others. Or is that to simple? Life can not be so simple, there should be a deeper meaning.

1 comment:

Jaap said...

a. Het leven is niet simpel. Leven is een uitermate ingewikkelde zaak, zowel in biologisch als in sociaal en filosofisch opzicht.
b. Zin geven is een menselijke aktiviteit. Volgens een oud verhaal was de eerste taak van de nieuwe mensen 'namen geven'. Namen geven staat daarbij volgens mij ook voor 'zin geven'. Als het leven zin moet hebben, moet jij het zin geven.