Thursday, June 16

Our new old boat

This is our (Twan and Me, Father and Son) new project. This is a very special boat, called a 'Leukothea'. It sails, with a sloop rig, you can realy row with it and it has a beautifull round shaped hull, in Dutch we call it a 'vlet'. It's very seaworthy. We use it as a tender and for fun, and to learn how to sail and row. I hate to see little kids in rubberboats with an outboard engine, looking bored, making noise and learning nothing. Give them a boat like this and they learn everything while playing and fiddling around. We debatted a long time about the name and the colour. The one followed the other, it will be black with yellow stripes, and the name will be 'Black Pearl'. And yes, we have a pirates flag.

1 comment:

Jaap said...

wij schuurden vroeger met de hand. paiertje dubbelgevouwen. blaren op je vingers. Maar wel glad, meneertje. Piraten gebruiken daar overgens overmeesterde zeelui voor. Die hebben vanzelf al een ruwe vel. Dat scheelt schuurpapier.