Sunday, November 13

The unknown father

Benno, my dog, became father of 9 young puppys. I didn't know, until yesterday. I visited Cor and found this nest of puppys, fel in love with one little cute pup and heard that my dog was responsable for the 9 little fellows. Now I have to deal with this deep feeling I suddenly got for this beautiful black and white lady with deep brown eyes. Oh my, Hellen doesn't like dogs at all, I had to fight for Benno, now I have to fight again. But now Twan and Nicky are on my side. We already have a name...


Wil said...

So sorry that Hellen doesn't like dogs. It would be grounds for divorce in most venues...

Laurie said...


You're practically a grandpa :o)

p.s. There is no such thing as a Not cute puppy....

Jaap said...

Een klein hondje poept en piest, maar minder dan een paard. Een hond stinkt, en paarden ook. Maar wie wil er met een paard of een hond samenwonen?